
Strike a Pose Contest

Thursday, May 27, 2010

We Love pets!

Here at Souverazzi, we are pet lovers. You'll be happy to know that by choosing us, you are helping us be able to donate and help shelter animals. We do not have a particular non-profit that we donate to, but we try our best to use the money we have on anything that will help animals. For instance, the stamps that we use for our postcards, instaed of buying (cheaper) stamps for postcards, we purchased the Animal Rescue Stamps, that helps buy foods for shelter pets. Ellen Degeneres is actually supporting this by providing 1 Million foods for Shelter Pets through her own Pet Food Company Halo!
So, By choosing us, you are helping us be in the position to keep helping these unfortunate animals. If ou are thinking of adding pets to your family, Adoption should be the only option, I have 3 myself, and they are my blessings from God! They make us so happy!
You can get these stamps from your local USPS, but they might be out already, I have checked 4 USPS around my area and they were all gone, but you can still get them here, I think this will only be available for a couple of more weeks. Please tell everyone you know, this is such a great idea. Your'e actually helping lives by buying something you were gonna buy anyway! Thank you!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Little things to show we care!

Scrap Books and 2 gigabyte thumb drives, little things and ways we show we care!
Guest books that look like your logging in to a fancy hotel is a thing of the past, What's in are Scrapbooks! This not only add's fun for your guests because, they really get involved, this will also show off the fun poses they took and and a chnace to give their well wishes to the couple! We don't only bring the scrapbook and all the materials needed to make one, we also supervise it for you! To make sure that it goes nice and smooth for everyone, and by the end of the night, you'll have scarpbook to show off and cherish for a long time!

2G thumb drive!!! We want to make sure that you get all the images taken from the Souverazzi Photo Booth on the day of your event. And we're sure you'll find something else to do with the additional space you have left, like maybe, copying some photo's from your cousin's camera that the photog's might've missed??? You never know!

These are just 2 of the values you'll get for choosing SOuverazzi Photo Booth. Thank you!

Monday, May 3, 2010

And the Strike a Pose Contest Winner for May is........

Ms. Nina Ross!!! Nina is entitled to 50% off Souverazzi Services! that's a pretty big discount! We have yet to talk to her, as I just announced it! But I'm very much looking forward to. I cant wait to get started on their special day! Yay!